What is Inventing Really Like?

STEM Education - Hard Sciences - Technical Fields of Knowledge

When I was in school, admittedly that was a long time ago, I remember sometimes being frustrated when told to learn what I needed to know. Not that I did not respect the authority or question the motives of those trying to help me. It was just that sometimes I tended…

The Author Behind the Key Series

Michael J Piatt

As a child I always enjoyed building things. At that time assembling model car kits was very popular. I would take all the parts from several different kits and mix them together in a big box and then see what…

Faint of Heart

faint of heart by mike piatt

I have referred to The Key on Edge as not being for the faint of heart. What do I mean by that? It is not a particularly fearful novel by most standards. However, the messaging can be intimidating. It describes…

The Sharefield Gang Character Descriptions

A globe sitting on top of a table.

The Key Book Series embraces the lives of a small-town group of early high school students called the Sharefield Gang. Most of the gang have known each other since childhood and have remained best friends throughout the years. Each of…

Inspiration and Writing Process

A book with the words inspiration and writing process written on it.

I am often asked how I decided on this project. Throughout my life I have worked in technology. It has been a rewarding and challenging profession. I have taken a path less traveled. Creating something new has always been a…

The Key on Edge Discussion Guide

A book cover with the title of the key on edge.

You may wonder why a fiction novel includes a Discussion Guide in the first place? The Key on Edge is more than an engaging young adult mystery novel. Embedded within its pages are numerous life lessons, examples of critical thinking,…